01 – Podcast
What? Another podcast? Absolutely. But perhaps not your typical kind. In the Minimalism Life Podcast, one half of The Minimalists and New York Times–bestselling author Joshua Fields Millburn reads and comments on essays published in our Inside Minimalism book. Each episode is just a few minutes long. Minimal distraction and easy listening. Given the nature and flow of this podcast, you can jump into any episode at any time. There is no one way to listen to it. Check out a sample and subscribe for free using your favorite podcast player.
02 – Book
We’re almost there with the second volume of our book Inside Minimalism, which will be available in ebook and print formats. We will be announcing the book’s availability next month.
03 – Journal
Read the latest entries of the Minimalism Life journal:
Brimming with emptiness by Oliver Sharman
Our minimalist Christmas by Sara Molinatti
30-day minimalism game by JFM
A minimalist approach to tech by Shashank SN
Living for everyone else by Leo Babauta
Keep it simple, but structured by Alex Galben